Hollis Engley was born and raised on Martha’s Vineyard, graduating from the island high school in 1964. He attended Cape Cod Community College and graduated from Lycoming College in Pennsylvania in 1969, with a degree in Political Science. Engley spent most of his working life as a journalist, photojournalist, and editor. He worked at the Register in Yarmouth Port, the Vineyard Gazette in Edgartown, the New Mexican daily newspaper in Santa Fe, USA Today and Gannett News Service in Washington DC, and as editor of Martha’s Vineyard Magazine in Edgartown. Thirty years ago, Engley enrolled in a beginning ceramics course at the Art League of Alexandria, thinking he would like to do something with his hands in addition to typing on the keyboard. He has been making pots ever since and his first pot is on view in the exhibition. Engley moved to Falmouth in 1998 and worked as a potter at his Hatchville Pottery. In 2014 he joined his partner Kimberly Sheerin at The Barn Pottery in Pocasset. Engley teaches pottery at Falmouth Art Center. Engley’s work is in private collections in the United States, Canada, Asia, and Europe. He has shown work at the Fuller Museum in Brockton, the Cape Cod Museum of Art, the Lexington Art Center and in galleries throughout the country.
Artist Statement
I make functional stoneware pottery, fired in both gas kilns and wood-fueled kilns. I was taught by the Fredericksburg VA potter Dan Finnegan, who was trained in an English pottery. But early on I was taken by simple Japanese and Korean pottery, much of it wood-fired and rough. A couple of years ago, in my mid-70s, I decided I would simply make what I wanted to make, turning my back on conventional pots. A monthlong 2022 residency at STARworks in Star NC turned me more toward making pots with rough native clay, dug from the ground. Kimberly Sheerin and I are building a wood-fueled kiln that will take me farther along that path. At 75, I’m still making pots.